Speaker Directory
Are you looking for a knowledgeable and experienced nutrition communicator to speak for your group? The list below provides basic information, speaking topics, and links to obtain more details.
Contact speakers directly to discuss specifics, including availability and speaking fees.

Anne Elizabeth Cundiff, RD, LD, FAND
President of AE Huebert Consulting, LLC
I Want to Start a Podcast...Now What?
Writing For a Variety of Platforms in Your Voice
Media Basics for Registered Dietitians

Melissa Joy Dobbins MS, RDN, CDE
The Guilt-Free RD® and CEO of Sound Bites® Inc.
Media/Speaker Training Skills for Dietitians – Communicating Sound Science, Smart Nutrition & Good Food
Express, Engage & Empower: Media & Messaging Skills for Dietitians
From Farm to Fork – communicating the facts and translating the science

Roberta L. Duyff, MS, RDN, FAND, FADA
Food and Nutrition Consultant/Author/Speaker, Duyff Associates
Communicating Across Cultures … An Essential Competency for Nutrition Professionals
So, You Want to Write a Book? The Journey of Traditional vs. Self-Publishing
Positively Speaking: Today's Nutrition Guidance and the Great Tastes of Good Health

Marianne Smith Edge, MS, RDN, LD, FADA, FAND
The AgriNutrition Edge, LLC Founder/Principle
Where Does Nutrition Fit into the Sustainability Equation?
Beyond the Food Label- Understanding the Terms and Technology of What We Eat
Beyond the Pandemic: What’s the New Normal for “Feeding Our World”?

Tatyana El Kour, PhD, MS, RDN, FAND
Health and Nutrition Coordination, Action Against Hunger Spain, Syria Mission
Risk communication and community engagement during COVID-19
Nutrition in Complex Emergencies
Digital technologies for nutrition behavior change

Owner, Emma Fogt, LLC, Program: The Biome Kitchen.com
Beat IBS Bloat with the low FODMAP Diet
The 4 pillars to optimal gut health: Meals, Meaning, Move and Mindfulness
The Biome Kitchen: Heal your gut with plant forward foods (May include culinary demo)

Lori Greene, MS, RDN, LDN
Senior Instructor/ The University of Alabama
Health communication
Lifestyle nutrition
Sports nutrition

Katie Hake, RDN, LD, CPT, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor
Owner of Katie Hake Health & Fitness, LLC
Intuitive eating
Flexible Meal Planning
Health at Every Size® (HAES) Approach

Mindy Hermann, MBA, RDN
Owner, Hermann Communications
Ethics in nutrition communications
Telling the story with science

Lisa Jones, MA, RDN, LDN, FAND
Speaker, Writer and Humorist Lisa Jones LIVE
Lighten Up! Add Levity to Your Toolbox
Stress Buster: Laughter
Nourish: Create Meaningful Connections One Meal at a Time

Heidi Katte, MS, RDN, CD, FAND
Program Chair and Faculty Lead Nutrition & Dietetic Technician Program Milwaukee Area Technical College
Properly referenced sources
High-Impact Presentation
Newsletters and Handouts

Carolyn Lagoe, PhD
Associate Professor, Queens University of Charlotte
Health Communication
Communication Campaigns

Barbara J. Mayfield, MS, RDN, LD, FAND
Founder and President, Nutrition Communicator, LLC
Conquer Miscommunication with "Miss Communication"
Never Lose Your Audience: Connect - Engage - Inspire
Hungry to Connect? Discover the Power of Eating Together!

Amy R. Mobley, PhD, RD
Associate Professor, Health Education and Behavior, University of Florida
Nutrition education and behavioral science
Early childhood feeding and obesity prevention
Dietary guidance communication

​Carolyn O’Neil MS, RDN, LDN
President, O'Neil Nutrition Communications LLC
Improving Your On Camera Video Performance
Food and Nutrition Trends
Writing Food and Nutrition Content

​Ashley Oswald, RDN, IFNCP, CNSC, CLT, LD
Registered Dietitian & Founder at Oswald Digestive Clinic
7 Things that Knock Digestion out of Whack
How to Find Food Intolerances​
7 Ways to Improve Energy with Nutrition

Sonja Stetzler, MA, RDN, CPC
Founder, Effective Connecting
Yes, And! Improv to Improve Your Professional Communication Skills
Conversational Intelligence: The Key to Successful Leadership
Powerful Presentations: Create, Convey, and Connect to Inform, Influence, and Inspire

Barbara Storper, MS, RD
Founder and Executive Director, FoodPlay Productions
Creativity Trainings: How to Make Nutrition Come Alive!
FoodPlay: Turn Kids on to Healthy Habits!
Put the Spotlight on School Nutrition!